
Report a Security Incident
Whistleblower Reporting

Report a Security Incident

Protecting sensitive information is critical for organizations of all sizes especially in today’s day and age. Organizations must be attentive and aggressive in recognizing and responding to security events as cyber threats advance.

B-File recognizes the importance of data privacy and has put in place comprehensive procedures to secure your data's security and integrity. In the case of a security problem, we offer a streamlined approach for reporting and addressing issues quickly

What is a security incident?

A security incident is any unauthorized access, disclosure, or data loss that jeopardizes information confidentiality, integrity, or availability.

Promptly reporting security issues is critical for limiting their impact and mitigating risks. B-File has set clear procedures for reporting security incidents to guarantee prompt resolution and effective communication.

Here's what to do if you suspect a security breach:
  • Remain calm and assess the situation: If you see any suspicious behavior or strange system behaviour, keep cool and examine the issue carefully. Make a note of any pertinent information, such as the incident's date, time, and nature.
  • Notify the security team: Report the issue to B-File’s designated security team immediately.

    The following are the contact details for any issue:
    Contact us via email:
    Hotline number: +1 586-580-0033

    Please submit as much information as possible so that our staff can examine and respond to the situation properly.

  • B-File’s POA after the Incident Reporting
    • After receiving the report, our security team will take action to avoid future exposure or damage. This could include isolating affected systems, deleting hacked accounts, or installing temporary security measures.
    • Our security professionals will investigate and analyse the incident to find its core cause and impact. This could include forensic investigation, log checks, and coordination with key parties.
    • We prioritize transparent communication with clients during the crisis response process. We will keep you informed of any changes, updates, or remediation activities taken in response to the security incident.
  • Remediation and Prevention: After a security incident, we prioritize implementing actions to reinforce our security posture. This could include patching vulnerabilities, enhancing and implementing security controls, or conducting more advanced and targeted security awareness training sessions.
  • Documentation and Lessons Learned: After an event, we document findings, actions, and lessons learned to continuously improve our response protocols. We think that learning from each security incident strengthens our resilience and preparation for future attacks.

Whistleblower Reporting

An organization's culture of accountability, integrity, and transparency is greatly enhanced by whistleblower reporting. It eventually aids in safeguarding the interests of stakeholders and maintaining the company's brand by enabling people to speak out against misconduct and unethical activity.

Whistleblowers are important to B-File because we value their contributions to our dedication to moral behavior and legal and regulatory compliance.

The whistleblower's purview:

Our Whistleblower method addresses a number of issues, including as but not restricted to:

  • Fraudulent actions or mismanagement of finances
  • Breaking laws, rules, or corporate policies
  • Discrimination or harassment at work
  • Risks to the environment or safety
  • Situations involving conflicts of interest
  • Retaliation against informants
Process of Reporting:

Using our Whistleblower system to report a concern is simple, private, and free from reprisal.

Here’s how the procedure operates:
  • Reporting an AbuseAnyone with information may report at :
  • The following are the contact details for any issue:
    Hotline number: +1 586-580-0033

    Whistleblowers are guaranteed confidentiality and accessibility through our round-the-clock reporting methods.

    Our reporting channels are available 24/7, ensuring accessibility and confidentiality for whistleblowers.

  • Provide Details: Whistleblowers are urged to include as much information as they can about the issue in their report submissions, including pertinent dates, names of those involved, and any supporting records or paperwork. Our investigation team will be able to fully assess and handle the reported issue with the assistance of this information.
  • Confidentiality: B-File is dedicated to preserving whistleblowers' privacy to the greatest degree feasible. Only those who are directly involved in the inquiry will have access to the material supplied, and reports will be handled discreetly.
  • Investigation and Resolution: As soon as we get a report, our investigation team will get to work on conducting a fair and in-depth investigation. In order to resolve the raised concern, we shall take the proper action, which may involve implementing preventive controls, disciplinary action, or remedial measures.
  • Non-Retaliation: Under the Whistleblower procedure, B-File firmly forbids taking any negative action against those who disclose professional malpractices/misconducts in good faith. Our goal is to create a work atmosphere where staff members can voice ethical concerns without worrying about facing consequences.